EU Elections 2014, Letter to MP

As part of our campaign for the 2014 European Union elections; Here is the Body of Text which may form the basis of a submission to an MP. It may be copied and pasted, used as presented or edited for individual preference.

The purpose of this letter is to highlight with yourself, and your respective Political Party of my awareness of the upcoming European Elections on 22nd May 2014, and the UK General Election 2015.

Respectfully one requests that you support the Rights, Liberties and Freedoms of UK shooters by expressing your intention to lobby against any further unwarranted restriction to be imposed in a country that already has some of the tightest controls on private firearms ownership and use anywhere in the world.

As a Member of Parliament representing my interests through the democratic process one personally feels that any elected Parliamentary member who themselves feel unable to support UK based shooting in its entirety and unable to resist any further legislation European or Domestic limiting rights, liberties and freedoms will no longer be in receipt of any voting right afforded oneself as a UK subject and exercised at the polling booth.

Closer to the UK General Election 2015 I will write to you again to remind you of my point of view and how it may influence my voting decisions. I have also made written submission on this subject to the Member of the European Parliament representing my interests.

Please join with me to promote the safe, responsible ownership and use of firearms with the minimum of restriction and let us together continue to contribute to the wealth and prosperity of the UK.

May I thank you in anticipation of an objective approach to this subject.


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