The consultation period is now closed for responses to the Scottish Governments proposals to licence airguns in Scotland. The opposition to the proposals as been loud and clear from the many shooting organizations, but also from a growing movement of everyday people. One of the highlights of the campaign against the proposals as been a petition carrying close to fourteen thousand signatures.
There as always been a fear that the Scottish Government will try and force these proposals through no matter what, but the voice of reason and opposition to it as been loud and will continue to grow no matter what the outcome may be.
We at Firearms UK would like to thank everyone who as been involved. Every signature, every response and every letter you wrote is one step closer to victory. We would also like to remind people that there is more work to be done. Keep up the pressure on your MSP’s, share your views with those around you, tackle oppression towards those within the firearms and shooting communities and educate people on the failings of these proposals. We also encourage you all to take part in our campaign to ensure that these proposals never get a foothold in England and Wales, by signing our petitions and supporting our Facebook Page, No to Airgun Licencing in England & Wales.