UPDATE: Write Your Own Laws – The Telegraph

On the 16th of May 2013 Firearms UK responded to the Telegraph’s article “Write your own laws — and win prizes”

Our submission was:

“The right for law abiding citizens to keep firearms as recognised by the Bill of Rights 1689. All current Firearms Acts to be repealed in place of a new simplified act which recognizes this right for citizens without a history of violent or persistent offending. Emphasis on harsh punishments to be on criminal misuse and stopping the criminalization and penalization of ordinary responsible and law abiding citizens.”

Despite receiving the most votes by far, 68 votes with our nearest rival at 42 votes, the Telegraph has chosen to put the following forward to MPs;

  1. A ten-year term limit for Prime Ministers, suggested by Alun Morris.
    (2 votes)
  2. A flat tax, proposed by Taxfair. (3 votes)
  3. A law to encourage the ‘greening’ of public spaces, proposed by Mattstrat. (3 votes)
  4. Abolish the loophole that leaves student parents exempt from paying child maintenance, proposed by Rebecca Lynall. (4 votes)
  5. A ban on spitting in public, proposed by LestWeForget. (1 vote)
  6. Repeal the ban on hand guns and re-open shooting clubs, proposed by Colliemum. (8 votes)

Interestingly the Telegraph highlighted the following from Colliemum’s submission: “After all, why should only criminals be ‘allowed’ to possess guns and shoot unarmed, defenceless citizens and police officers?”

For completeness the actual submission is:

“Repeal the various acts which prohibit citizens in good standing (no criminal record) from owning and bearing hand guns, and re-open shooting clubs so people can be trained in the sfe [safe] use and handling of said guns. After all, why should only criminals be ‘allowed’ to possess guns and shoot unarmed, defenceless citizens and police officers?”

Firearms UK is disappointed, but unfortunately not surprised with the decision of the Telegraph, however the law proposed by Colliemum, “Repeal the ban on hand guns and re-open shooting clubs”, does merit a vote and we would encourage everyone to support it.

More details and how to register your vote can be found here

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