Archive for category: Deer Stalking

A letter to those opposed to hunting/shooting

A letter to those opposed to hunting/shooting

Recently the issue of Doctors fees was brought up on the BBCs Countryfile programme and in the aftermath it seems that the anti-hunters/anti-shooters took to their social media pages to complain about “blood junkies draining money from the NHS” or questioning “why people need to own guns/ban guns” and...

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Forestry Commission Scotland: Deer Management on the National Forest Estate Consultation

Forestry Commission Scotland: Deer Management on the National Forest Estate Consultation

Forest Enterprise Scotland As an executive agency of Forestry Commission Scotland, FES is responsible for the management of the 630,000 hectare national forest estate in Scotland in a way which is sustainable for future generations and delivers multiple benefits for people today and over the long term. FES Head...

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