No to Airgun Licencing, England & Wales

Bellow you will find an example of a letter you can send to your MP. The aim of the letter is to register your opposition to the licencing of Airguns, both in Scotland and in England and Wales. Crucially you can also use such a letter to request your MP to support lawful airgun owners, and to not support any proposals to introduce similar legislative changes as that suggested by the Scottish government for England and Wales.

To find out who your local MP is we recommend the use of a website called “WriteToThem”. On the website you simply enter in your postcode and it’ll provide you with details of your MP and offer a “letter mailing service”.

Dear Sir or Madam

I write to register my increasing concern with you over the events that have been taking place in Scotland over the issue of airgun licencing. Despite crime involving airguns being statistically insignificant the Scottish government are transfixed on forcing unnecessary and ill thought out restrictions against strong opposition, including a petition signed by over fourteen thousand.

My concerns are that regardless of the eventual outcome for Scottish airgunners, the proposals alone by the Scottish government will incite equally unfounded calls for similar measures to be applied in England and Wales. Airgun owners, as with legal firearms owners are overwhelmingly safe, responsible and law abiding people who just wish to pursue their hobbies or sport without needless bureaucracy and expense, which inevitably has a disproportionate impact on newcomers to the sport and those on a lower income.

I would ask that you do what you can to ensure your law abiding constituents don’t have to face similar discriminatory encroachments. Existing legislation is more than adequate to cater for any incidents of airgun misuse, as such I hope you agree that such proposals are not necessary and are a waste of resources, which can be better spent on genuine threats to public safety.

Yours sincerely,

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