Durham Constabulary and Medical Examinations
Dave / / Firearms & Shotguns, Our Responses & Comments, Politics & Legal / 0Firearms UK are of the same view expressed by some other organisations in that Durham Constabulary and County Durham...
This post is a response to a comment posted by @borocomphelp during a Twitter conversation on what shooting clubs...
On Saturday 14/12/13 Lorraine Kelly spoke about Gun Control in the US one year on from the Sandy Hook...
Environment Minister announces new measures to tackle raptor persecution
Erika / / Other Resources, Our Responses & Comments, Pest Control, Politics & Legal, Rough Shooting / 0Firearms UK supports the Scottish Governments efforts to tackle illegal raptor persecution and other wildlife crime…. However, buried in...
Firearms UK is disappointed, but unfortunately not surprised with the decision of the Telegraph, however the law proposed by...
Firearms UK has commented on the “Write your own laws — and win prizes” article in the Telegraph. If...
Trust the British Press to find new depths of sensationalism in the pursuit of profits. The Mail on Sunday...
As expected it wasn’t long before those who champion the case for gun control laid the blame for the...
Supporting BASC’s New Campaign for Mobile Users
Erika / / Our Responses & Comments, Shooting Sports / 2Today BASC have launched a new campaign aimed at mobile phone users. The campaign is to encourage people to...