Merry Christmas from Firearms UK
Request for pictures and photos
Erika / / Site News / 2
To help us in creating memes, graphics and other materials in support of shooting and firearms ownership we would...
An opportunity to promote the inclusive nature of shooting
Erika / / Site News / 0
One of our supporters, Sport4All have been advertising for inclusive / disability photos for their new website. This is...
Gunplan Discount
Erika / / Site News / 0
Firearms UK have arranged a 5% discount for our supporters with the shooting insurance company Gunplan. Thank you all...
Content Updates
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The majority of our most recent work will be listed on our blog page and shared on our Facebook...
The potential economic cost of UK firearms bans
Dave / / Featured, Firearms UK Articles, Pistols, Politics & Legal, Site News / 0
Recently a supporter raised the question of the economic benefits to the UK if our firearms legislation were not...
(US) NRA Event in London
Erika / / Site News / 2
Tomorrow evening, a member of Firearms UK will be in attendance at a televised debate including Wayne LaPierre of...

We are a volunteer organisation that is largely self-funded however in order to expand we do need financial support. If you agree with our mission then please help us to enable us to do our best to further our common goals and interests.
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