Supported Campaigns

If you have a suggestion for a campaign you feel we should support please contact us.

We must comply with the law – or lose lead

  1. There is a concerted campaign to achieve a total ban on lead shot. It is directed by powerful organisations with considerable financial and political resources. Although the current government has no desire to ban lead, politicians will be swayed by evidence and public opinion.
  2. At present, there is no evidence to suggest that existing legislation is inadequate – if it is observed. And that’s the problem; enforcement is difficult and is largely in our own hands and at the moment we are not handling it well

Find out more on their website.

The Greenland White-fronted Goose Study (GWGS) is an independent organisation dedicated to the study and conservation of the Greenland race of the circumpolar White-fronted Goose.

Find out more on their Facebook page.

With so many people out enjoying the great outdoors, we are now being used by motor bikers, horse riders, adventure cyclists, and even ramblers.

Hunters, pest controllers, hobbyist shooters, survival guys, and wild campers.

Parents, children, and even the odd pet has an ICE card.

Find out more on their website.

We all know shooting is great fun, so let’s spread the word!

BASC is delivering a project called Take a Mate Shooting. All you have to do is take a friend or family member out shooting; you could take them to a clay ground, an airgun club, a BASC coaching event at a game fair, or anywhere else it’s safe and legal to try target shooting. You could also take them beating or picking up.

Find out more on the BASC website.

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